How can one use YouTube to promote your business? In this blog I have few video marketing tips, so that you can start growing your business right now with YouTube.
Recent stats reveal that YouTube has over 1.5 billion monthly active users watching over an hour of content per day. So what does that mean for us? That means that your target audience and potential customers are definitely paying attention and active on YouTube.
But the question is how do you reach them or how to get views on youtube? And more importantly how to position your videos and your content to actually get it discovered? How do people actually discover videos on YouTube? Let's break this down practically into three different ways.
. Network Marketing
How do you recruit people in network marketing? It's something that a new person in network marketing is trying to build their team and will definitely search for it.
Now on YouTube, we call it velocity and when you tap into the free the YouTube search machine. Now here's that cool tool. To get that data, you have to install the Google Chrome Extension. Now the free version you can grab it, you can go to The free version is enough to get you started. The paid plan, just one tier up, gives you some added features to check out. But if you just want to try that out free it's at
How do you use YouTube for business you take the conversation off YouTube. So after that video, he is then asking people saying
§ "Hey if you want more value?”
§ "I actually have an ebook "that can help you.
§ "You can download it for free."
And he builds his email list. Well, the course helps him reach more people in the future.
YouTube subscriber's definitely is a goal‼
The machine goes deeper friends. It goes much deeper. The machine also works for suggested videos. So what are the suggested videos?
Well on the desktop they're kind of over on the right side. It'll say like it'll recommend other videos. On mobile, they're like below. But there are also other places. When a video ends YouTube suggests some videos at different places where YouTube is promoting and pushing videos. So YouTube is promoting and pushing videos.
The machine is on your side. Robots are going to work for you if you master this right? A lot of times they'll be your videos but then they'll recommend other people's stuff. So the reason this is good is that you want to keep people binging your content on YouTube. If you're taking notes write that down. A goal is to keep people binging content on YouTube.
Create a video series
So, make sure to create video series so you can dominate your own suggested videos. Rather than thinking one-off video, think about in clusters of three or five videos.
· How do you grow your network marketing business.
· Well then, how do you set goals in network marketing?
· How do you grow your team in network marketing?
So it's different topics, but you can imagine, someone who's in that they want to learn that stuff, one after one after one after one YouTube. That's how the machine starts to really reward you. If you're creating a series and getting people to binge your content. But here's another example of how suggested videos could work.
YouTube channel to use Instagram for business: The world is a big place. 1.5 billion people using YouTube is a lot of people. And so that video's getting 14.7 views and this is a video that we actually worked on together as far as using these strategies right? And then that video adds some value and then it leads to a free checklist and ultimately to a course that she has on Instagram. So you can see that getting into suggested videos is huge. In fact, getting into suggested videos is like jet fuel for your brand on YouTube.
Google Search
Google is the parent company of YouTube. Google owns YouTube. So naturally, Google is going to favor YouTube. They won, they want to promote their own stuff. And you know Forrester did a study that said pages with video are 53 times more likely to rank on the first page of Google Search. So Google search engines prioritize video results and maybe you already have a blog or a website. Definitely, be embedding YouTube videos on your blog and your website to get more traffic to your blog in awareness to your content overall. 1800 views every 60 minutes and we didn't even go into all the different areas that the machine works in. But this is the machine at work, right? That is robots working on your behalf distributing your videos. If you master the machine then you can really master YouTube.
Imagine not 1800 views every 60 minutes, imagine just having like ten high-quality leads and prospects discovering you every day. Like, imagine just ten people. Which is a lot right?
I hope that you found these tips helpful. And actually, that was just a small part of an entire master class that I did for how to 10X your business with YouTube.